Tuan hamba yang sorang ni,sebenarnyer, tak pandai sangat menulis blog..
tak pernah menulis pun benda-benda yang
nak luah-luah apa yang terbuku dalam hati ni
tapi belajar-belajar le sikit la yer..
Bukan apa..risau jugak,kadang-kadang kita ni sedap mulut jer
bagi peringatan (atau benda-benda yang sementara waktu dengannya)
hati kita sendiri pun masih kotor penuh dengan dosa noda maksiat
(orang Kedah cakap KotoQ yek Mat! )
Hm,satu hal, mungkin kita dah tak buat apa yang kita cakap ..
Satu hal lagi ,disebabkan kita yang bagi tazkirah ni hati ni penuh dengan maksiat,
So,kita pula yang jadi hijab dari hidayah ALLAH sampai kat si fulan yang dengar peringatan kita.
Niat di hati nak bawak fulan bin si fulan dekat & faham dengan ISLAM ...
Rupanya kita pula yang bagi dia jauh dari ISLAM...
Dengan Kuasa & Izin ALLAH ..
Actually ,benda ni..saya olah sikit dari apa yang saya ingat & faham
masa dalam satu usrah di Pusat Asasi UIAM,ada seorang abang naqib bagi peringatan..
Pasal benda-benda nilah..
TAPI,kalau kita pikiaq balik dalam-dalam
Tak akan kita nak tunggu hati putih bersih dulu baru
qualified nak bagi peringatan ,ye tak?
Kalau macam tu,sampai kiamat la kita tutup mulut,tak boleh buka langsung..
Sebab ,insyaALLAH le,hati kita sampai bila pun "kurang" bersih ..
Sebab kita bukan Nabi,kita bukan maksum
Kita ni tak lepas dari buat dosa..
So, point of the story,yang saya dapat faham &
simpulkan sikit dari apa yang abang naqib saya bagi dulu..
Sentiasa Cermin DIRI SENDIRI
Sentiasa Berusaha Cuci Hati
Berubah Menjadi Hamba Yang Lebih Baik "
P/s- Actually,I'm really into photography
And I love expressing my feeling and thinking through pictures
Because for me,a picture sometimes ,tell a lot of stories
And it's very simple ..tak payah tulis berjela-jela.
Sometimes la.
Sapa-sapa yang rasa minat sama jugak dengan saya
Boleh la kita meramaikan pulak FLICKR (promote2)
Boleh la lawat saya punya photo stream saya kat sebelah kanan
ni..klik jer..
So,lastly,hayatilah lirik nasyid favorites saya ni ..
It's A Life Of A Test
Munsyid : Brothers
hey brother
won't you listen to me
you're my brother so listen carefully
this life that we're living
wasn't made for nothing
life is a test from Allah almighty
there are many times
when Allah will test you
to see if you will obey or betray
this life is a life of test
need patience for success
so is your iman strong enough
or would you fail just like the rest
obey for Allah's love
betray be sorry for yourself
when you're standing helpless there
in front Allah the almighty
life is a life of test (believe it)
you must strengthen your faith (hey brother)
and don't you fail like others
my brother
hey brother
what's there for you to say
it's up to you if you want to believe me
Allah created us
give us everything
so be grateful and don't betray
laugh at me if you wish
say i'm crazy if you want
you'll bite you your fingers one day
when you find out the truth
believe me or do not
it's a change for you to choose
just don't you cry one day
when it's already too late
you would be sorry
if you choose to betray
there is no one there to help you
my brother
if you'd follow Allah's way
you'd be safe in paradise
if you'd listen to me
i could lay my mind to rest
you'd then be happy
there is no need to worry
you would live forever happy
you would be happy
you would be happy
you would be happy
my brother
you would be happy
you would be happy
you would be happy
my brother
if you just follow Allah's way
Till We Meet Again !