Today,8 September 2009, is the historical date for me.
I'm officially launch my personal blog ! =)
I hope ,this not the one and only post from me..
Actually , I'm like to surf the internet..
but to write something in the blog..
it's quite challenging job for me..
Not because i'm lazy to post..
but it's to many stories in my brain
until i dont know which one to choose ..
to put in my blog..
Since this is our first meeting in this blog world..
i think that's good for us to know each other
So,my name is Murtadha Bin Rafaai
Im from Kedah,Purely Kedahian..
I'm 20 Years old..
still studying..
taking degree in Bachelor of Mathematic..
at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Kuantan..
Nice To Meet You All !
In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful the Most Gracious